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What's Beyond To Explore Safari? 5 Essential Don'ts for an Unforgettable Experience

Do you love exploring forests and national parks during the day?

Image source Viator on Google

Well, let me tell you, the real action happens at night on safari. Lions, tigers, and other wild cats are night creatures, and they set out to hunt or mate after the sun sets. But night safaris require a lot more care and attention than daytime ones.

Animals are less seen by humans in the jungle after sundown, which makes them more jumpy and easily startled. To make the most of your night safari, I have got some tips from the experts, share the five things you should never do on a night safari.

So, let's begin with an essential tip. The only way to spot wildlife at night is with the help of a flashlight. But, avoid bright lights and flash photography during night safaris as they can be extremely disturbing to animals. Instead, they suggest using headlights or a light with a red filter that appears to disturb animals far less. This way, you can observe wildlife exhibiting natural behaviour.

Image source The Africa Adventure Company on Google

During the day, you can have a conversation with your guide as you are driving. But, at night, things are different. You have to avoid loud noises that can affect the silence required for a night safari. So, expect far less conversation, instructions, or explanations from your guide during a night safari. While they may offer helpful details about the wildlife before and after the trip, things will be pretty quiet in your jeep while spotting the house of the jungle.

If you’ve been on a safari during the day, you’ve probably seen jeeps full of people standing up high to get the best view and extending their professional-grade cameras to capture the best possible photographs of the moment. However, such behaviour is out of the question during a night safari. Since animals don’t expect to encounter humans in the forest, especially at night, they may be startled easily. So, it's better to avoid any unnecessary movement in the vehicle, especially when you spot an animal. Try to stay still and enjoy the moment.

Now, let's talk about clothing. It’s important not to wear bright whites on a night safari as even our own lights reflect off our clothing. So, Mehta recommends wearing dark colors like browns, greens, and greys. Patil advises wearing warm clothing or layering up and avoiding heavy woollens since those may get too warm or itchy. It’s important to dress comfortably for your safari.

Last but not least, a night safari is not just about wild animals such as tigers, lions and leopards. There is a lot to see beyond the big cats. You can spot snakes, lizards, geckos, frogs, and other such reptiles and herps on monsoon night walks. The Western Ghats and the Sahyadris, night safaris are great for spotting fireflies. Make sure to turn off the lights and let them all go. When there are clear skies during winter, you can also see far more stars.

So, that’s it from me! I hope these tips will help you have a fantastic night safari experience.


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