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Want To Balance Food? Guilt-Free Festive Meal Advice

Amid the Diwali-to-Christmas extravaganza, many of us embark on a journey to balance indulgence with health. Many used to swing between guilt and calorie-counting post-festive meals but no worries, I am serving you the tips of psychologists steering people toward guilt-free, nutritious eating.

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The blend of psychology with nutrition unravels the secrets behind our eating habits. The tips for the festive season are not just about what's on your plate; they delve into the psychology behind making healthy choices during celebrations. Here's a taste of advice:

1. Take A Quick Bite: Stock up on three-minute snacks for post-party recovery. Having quick favourites ready, like pear and almond butter or a savoury hummus bowl. Post-party munchies? Solved!

2. Post-eating: Plan your next meal right after a satisfying one. It prepares you for better choices and mindful eating.

3. Balance Your Plate: Fill up on a well-balanced meal before the event. It's a strategic move to curb overindulgence in appetizers and helps you enjoy mindful drinking.

4. Cold Meal: This strategy is a game-changer. It involves observing the spread, loading up on proteins, high-water content veggies and fruits, then carbs. This method prevents bingeing and leaves you satisfied.

5. Potluck Control: Bringing your healthy dish ensures you have a go-to option amid the festive spread. Take control of your food choices no matter what's on other plates.

6. Fancy Plating: Hosting? Give your dishes flashy names; it makes healthier options sound more appetizing. Plus, serve snacks in transparent bowls and drink full glasses of water.


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